Below is a list of contractors who have previously worked with LAROS. This is by no means a definitive list of highly-capable and passive-house-familiar tradesmen, however, we hope it is useful and continues to grow. If you, or someone you know, should be listed here, please contact LAROS at office@laros.com.au.

Please note that names are listed in no particular order. LAROS receives no monetary benefit from these contractors. LAROS does not take responsibility for the workmanship of any of the contractors listed.


High-Performance Builders & Window Installers

Familiar with our windows & doors, airtightness, thermally broken slabs, prefabricated houses and Passive House builds.

Ventilation Installers

Energy Recovery Ventilation Installers

Experienced in the installation of Passive House products supplied by LAROS Technologies.

Hot Water System Installers

Hot Water System Installers

Experienced in the installation of Passive House products supplied by LAROS Technologies.



Familiar with Passive House designs.



Familiar with thermally broken slabs.