Hall of Fame

LAROS Technologies is proud to launch the Australian Airtightness Hall of Fame: to showcase and pay tribute to those who become Masters of Airtightness.

Builders, owner-builders & building enthusiasts who acquire an official airtightness result from a certified blower door test (50 Pa), are encouraged to submit their results for inclusion on this list.

Any building that achieves a rate less than two air changes per hour (2.00 ACH) is exceptional and should be applauded.

The Airtightness Hall of Fame is designed to promote airtightness in our building culture, and to provide a reference database of practitioners who are experienced and highly capable of attaining very airtight buildings in Australia.

Are you an Airtight Builder? Get in touch and begin your journey of Airtight Buildings in Australia!Submit your results to office@laros.com.au.