Find air leakages as a result of air pressure measurement testing
Measuring an existing building’s air-tightness or checking a new build’s air-tightness after installation of building wraps are done by generating a gentle vacuum in the house through the Blower Door fan or 50 Pascal (similar to a wind loading of a moderate breeze on the building).
The fan measures how much air is being removed to keep the pressure difference at 50 Pascal. It is then possible to find the air leakage points in the building envelope.
Finding the air leakage points is done by several methods:
- feeling airflow by hand
- using a Thermoanemometer
- using a hand-held smoke puffer
- or the use of an infrared camera (ThermaCAMTM B2).
The Blower Door has proven itself in everyday measurement applications, and is automatically controlled from the DG-700 pressure gauge – you just monitor the readout of the measured results on the screen. Using these results, the Tectite Express software generates a complete test report in accordance with EN 13829.
Efficacy of airtightness testing: Whether you have an energy efficient house or an old draughty building, the Blower Door can measure airtightness. The unit has an output of from 35 to 7200 m3/h, and by using more than one Blower Door unit in parallel, even the largest building can be tested.